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Emergency Personnel Responsibilities during a Fire or Life Safety Situation

911 – Westlake Fire Department

When an emergency arises, please call 911 and then contact the Property Management Office at (512) 306-5000.

The parties below are involved as follows:

Building Emergency Marshal – Dimensional Place – Senior Property Manager

Primary responsibility is to coordinate and implement an effective evacuation of the building’s Customers in a serious fire or other situation that might require evacuation. Further responsibility stems from the preparation, monitoring and implementation (with the approval and assistance of the Westlake Fire Department) of a training program for all members of the building emergency response team.

Assistant Building Emergency Marshal – Dimensional Place – Engineer Manager

Responsible for the effective implementation of the "Evacuation Plan” and for actions taken by the building’s Emergency Response Team prior to the arrival of the Westlake Fire Department. Upon the arrival of the Westlake Fire Department, the Assistant Building Emergency Marshal should assist the responsible Fire Department Supervisor in briefing as to seriousness, location and type of fire while explaining actions taken prior to the arrival of the Fire Department.

Emergency Wardens – Tenant Representative

The Emergency Wardens are responsible for following strict orders of the Tenant contact, the Safety Director or liaison, to implement in an orderly manner an approved evacuation plan upon fire alarm or notification from the Property Manager or the Westlake Fire Department.

The Emergency Warden is appointed by the Tenant contact representing each firm occupying each floor of the building. If your firm occupies more than one floor, a minimum of one Emergency Warden should be designated for each floor. Those persons or their alternates (Assistant Wardens) must be present at all times while the building is occupied. These wardens must be familiar with the building evacuation plan, floor layout and location and use of fire equipment.

Assistant Wardens – Tenant Representative

The Assistant Wardens shall take direction from the Emergency Warden and shall perform as the Emergency Warden in his/her absence.

Emergency Response Team – Dimensional Place Property Management

The Emergency Response Team staff is comprised of all building Engineering and Security personnel. Their responsibilities are primary fire fighting procedures and implementing emergency plans as directed by the Assistant or Building Emergency Marshal in charge or the Westlake Fire Department.

Evacuation Supervisor – Security Supervisor

(After normal hours)
Primary responsibility is to coordinate and implement an effective evacuation after normal business hours.

Handicapped Evacuation Assistants – Appointed by Tenant

Handicapped Evacuation Assistants are responsible for the evacuation of any physically challenged employees in suite.


There are stairwells on both the north and south ends of the building. These stairwells are accessible from every floor. In case of fire or other emergency, use stairwells for exit. All stairwells provide exit from the building to the outside.

Emergency Fire/Life Safety Equipment

The Building is equipped with a sophisticated, automated life safety system composed of smoke detection and alarm devices, sprinkler system, fire extinguisher cabinets on every floor and a central fire command center.



Floor Wardens and Assistant Wardens are selected on the basis of two (2) principle criteria:

  • They are intelligent, alert and resourceful individuals who are capable of performing in a leadership role during an emergency situation.
  • They work in the building, rather than having primary duties and responsibilities elsewhere.

Floor Wardens are the “connecting links” between Property Management and their respective employees. As such, they have direct control and responsibility for all decisive matters relating to the safety of their employees during an emergency.

Floor Wardens are responsible for selecting, identifying and training sufficient wardens to effectively perform their emergency duties and responsibilities, and to facilitate a safe and orderly response and/or evacuation in an emergency situation. A minimum of four (4) wardens is recommended for full floor tenants (approximately one per 5,000 square feet). Smaller tenants may elect to appoint only one.

Floor Wardens and their assistants are responsible for communicating appropriate pre-planned emergency procedures and/or date to all employees under their jurisdiction through personnel orientation and/or company bulletin boards. All wardens should be very familiar with the locations of stairwells, pull stations and fire extinguishers.

Floor Warden and Assistant Floor Warden participation in the annual Evacuation Drills and any other related training provided by the management office is essential.

Floor Wardens

Floor Wardens are responsible for following strict orders of the Building Emergency Marshal or liaison, and for implementing an orderly evacuation plan upon notification from the Building Emergency Marshal, Assistant Building Emergency Marshal, the Westlake Fire Department or the building intercom system (Building One only).

Assistant Wardens

Assistant Warden(s) is appointed by and will take direction from the Floor Warden, and shall step in as the Floor Warden in his/her absence.

Floor Warden Training Program

To ensure all Floor Wardens and Assistant Wardens completely understand the emergency and evacuation procedures, annual Floor Warden Training is conducted by members of the Emergency Response Team. During this training, all emergency procedures are thoroughly reviewed.

Floor Wardens and Assistant Wardens are required to be proficient in the following:

  • Evacuation plan and procedures
  • The layouts of each floor, including the exits, pull stations and location of fire extinguishers.
  • Personnel under his/her control, as to whether there are any occupants who are disabled requiring more than ordinary assistance during an evacuation.
  • Building procedures set forth in the Emergency Procedures Manual.

Fire Emergencies

Dimensional Place is fully sprinklered with numerous fire detection and alarm devices throughout the buildings. When heat, smoke or combustion activates one of these devices, the Fire Command Center immediately receives a visual and audible alarm indicating the location, setting into motion the following emergency procedures:

  • If you detect the odor of something burning, but see no smoke or flame, call the Property Management Office at (512) 306-5000. Building Personnel will investigate immediately to determine if fire department assistance is necessary.
  • If a small fire is discovered, confine the fire by closing surrounding doors. Call 911 and then contact the Management Office at (512) 306-5000. You may also choose to pull open one of the fire alarm pull stations located next to fire exits. Locate the fire extinguisher that is stored in each corridor or at a designated area inside your suite. If using the extinguisher, attempt to defuse the fire by following proper fire extinguisher procedures:
    • Pull out the pin.
    • Aim at the base of the fire.
    • Sweep from side to side until the fire is out.
  • If you discover a large fire during normal business hours that is too much for a fire extinguisher to handle, and have not heard or been notified by the building emergency system, call 911, and then immediately call the Property Management Office at (512) 306-5000. Provide the following information:
    • Exact location of the fire: floor, suite, and room number.
    • What is burning: electrical equipment or wiring, liquids, paper, wood furnishings, etc.
    • The severity of the fire.
    • Your name, phone number and location.

If you still do not hear an audible alarm, activate the Pull Station located at the closest stairwell and alert all other Floor Wardens and Assistant Wardens of the situation.

Further instructions may be given by the Emergency Intercom System, the Westlake Fire Department, or the Emergency Response Team.

If necessary, proceed with evacuation procedures. REMEMBER: the Fire Fighter’s Recall will be activated; therefore, all elevators will return to the lobby.


If evacuation is not necessary, normal business operations may begin upon notification by the Emergency Intercom System, the Westlake Fire Department or by the Emergency Response Team.

  • If you discover a large fire after normal business hours call 911. If you have not been notified by the building emergency system, contact security at (512) 845-6661 and provide the following information:
  • Exact location of the fire: floor, suite, and room number.
  • What is burning: electrical equipment or wiring, liquids, paper, wood furnishings, etc.
  • The severity of the fire.
  • Your name, phone number and location

Security will notify the Emergency Response Team and set into motion the building’s official response to emergency situations.

Notify all employees located on the floor and follow safe evacuation procedures.

Security will notify the appropriate company contact at their after-hours phone number.

  • The fire alarm system generates a varying whoop tone from speakers located throughout the building. The alarm will also sound on adjacent floors above and below the alarm floor.
  • If you feel it is necessary to evacuate the building due to fire, smoke or any emergency condition you may do so without receiving further instructions from the Property Management Office.

How You Can Help Prevent Fires

Case studies of office fires show that most could have been prevented if simple safety precautions had been exercised.

You can help prevent fire by following these precautions:

  • Assign someone to make certain that all appliances are turned off at the end of the day.
  • Be alert for strange odors or lights from electrical appliances. Have malfunctions checked immediately.
  • Store and use flammable liquids according to safety regulations. Clean up spills at once.
  • Dispose of trash. Don’t allow it to accumulate. Don’t overload wall circuits.
  • Smoke only where permitted. Smoking is not permitted inside the Building

Evacuation Drills

Evacuation Drills are usually conducted within days after the Emergency Warden Training. They are designed to closely simulate an actual alarm response and evacuation. Tenant Wardens should use this time to educate their co-workers on life-safety equipment. Evacuation Drills also allow the building staff to inspect and evaluate the automated life-safety related issues, and complete a detailed checklist of building systems and operation, in addition to assisting tenants with evacuation. Post-drill meetings allow building staff to critique their response, share observations, and identify problems.

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